While Grandma and I took the kids swimming, Papa went back out to the field to try again to find a diamond. I think he caught the rock-hounding bug!
Anyway, the kids had a great time cooling off in the water. Even Matthew got really brave and actually went into the water instead of just standing at the edge getting his feet wet. The lure was a steering wheel mounted on the structure in the middle of the pool. He played on it almost the entire time, therefore I was there almost the entire time as well.

Becky spent the entire time going down the little water slide on the center structure as well. Up and down, up and down - her energy was boundless.
Hannah and Clara spent a great deal of time going down the bigger water slides nearby, peppered with bouts of wandering around the pool trying to find new playmates and best friends forever even though they never even exchanged names.

We had a great time and stayed till the pool closed at 6 p.m. We went to the local grocery store and picked up some pork cutlets, broccoli, carrots, and BBQ beans for supper. We started a fire the best we could and waited for the wood to burn down into coals so that we could cook the meat and veggie packets.
This was an adventure - it was just so muggy that the wood didn't want to burn at all. It smoked and smoked; we think maybe the wood was a little green as well. Finally we got it to burn to coals but not enough to cook with! So we scavenged the wood that was left in Papa's campfire ring and built another fire behind our coals. We did finally get everything to cook, but it was well after 9 p.m. before we got to eat. It was delicious, though!!
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