My daughter, Becky (although she insists on being called Rebecca at school,) just celebrated her 6th birthday. Isn't she cute? I love how little kids look when they're missing their front teeth. Here are the kids singing "Happy Birthday" to Becky in my classic birthday cake shot. I really did put 6 candles on the cake even though the picture makes it look like only 4.

Becky also just graduated from Kindergarten. Why does that tug at my heartstrings so much? I've been through it twice already but I will admit that I cried a little when I watched her sing songs with her class and receive her 'diploma.' I cried at every single one of the kids kindergarten graduations. Just a little. But I'm a self-proclaimed sap, so it should be no big surprise.

I love this picture of my family walking home from Kindergarten graduation. Personalities!!
Tyler - strong head of the family, leading his little brood home, and yet totally oblivious to what is going on behind him. He just *assumes* that they will all follow him home blindly like good little ducklings.
Hannah - first born, leader of the children. She will walk next to Daddy to be sure he doesn't need any help finding the way. She is in constant competition with us to take charge of this family.
Rebecca - refusing to be left out. It's her special day so she should be the one to walk in front! But since she can't get between the two leaders, she will walk one step behind them and look for an opening.
Clara - caring, empathetic. She will take care of the youngest one. Doesn't anyone else see that he is about to run into the road?!
Matthew - bold, daring, stubborn. He will not be restrained! NO - he won't hold Clara's hand or allow her to lead him back to safety!
Me - watching from behind the lens of a camera. For the record, I did run up and get Matthew back on the sidewalk. But not till after I got this shot.

Beautiful Thing Number Two:
Meet our new kitty, Lily. We adopted her from the South Suburban Humane Society on Becky's birthday. She is a family pet, but we did allow Becky to name her. I really like the name she chose.

Beautiful Thing Number Three:
Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? See how the gold lettering contrasts so nicely with the dark cover. Marvel at how the sunlight glistens all around it. I think I hear a choir of angels singing!

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