Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday - Week 0

Okay. I'm not a New Year Resolutions kind of person. My life isn't perfect by any means, but it's my thinking that I don't need a 'day on the calendar' to get me motivated to do something. If I didn't do it the other 364 days of the year, there is nothing special about January 1st that is going to make me change it now, know what I mean?

Anyway, the fact is that I am very overweight. I know this. I've known it for years. I have tried various things to try to fix it over the last few years, but all of them halfheartedly with little success.

Apparently, my own body has decided that it's time to get serious about losing some weight. Somehow, since Thanksgiving, I've lost 12 pounds. The only thing I changed was the amount of eating out I was doing. I took the kids out to lunch the other day and it had been so long since we went out that they actually thanked me for giving them such a special treat. It made it a really nice outing that everyone appreciated for what it was - a treat.

Today, I came across this entry on the blog of a member of a message board to which I belong. I was inspired to join her weight loss journey, although I don't think I am quite up to posting the whole number that I see on the scale. I think I'll just post the last two numbers, for instance xx0.0. Maybe eventually I will feel comfortable enough to share the whole thing.

I'm not going to "diet." I think that word has so many negative connotations that if I even start using it then I am signing myself up to fail. So I just want to make a few lifestyle changes that will benefit both myself as well as my family. Hopefully I'll have some success. Guess we'll find out next Wednesday when I post about this again.

Some goals for me during this adventure:
  • Eat at least one piece of fruit every day.
  • Get back to providing two vegetables with dinner every night.
  • Go to Taekwondo on Monday and Wednesday nights.
  • Attend the free fit class at Taekwondo on Monday nights with the girls, who already go (this is a really challenging fit class that does a lot of exercises from the 'plank' position. To be honest, I've never tried it because I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack while doing it!)
  • Play on the Wii twice a week. Doesn't have to be strenuous but it has to be something that isn't a sit-and-play game. The kids would love to play Wii Fit or Just Dance with me so this will be fun, I think.
  • Climb the stairs at school, even when I don't want to do it and my backpack is really heavy.
  • Incorporate a fun family outing once a month that involves physical activity, like bowling, ice skating, or just walking around the neighborhood.
So, what did the scale say this morning?

I would like to see xx5.0 next Wednesday. I think that is a reasonable short term goal.


  1. You can do it, Jenny! I think your plan has real merit. May I make a couple of suggestions? When you have your fruit, have protein with it (string cheese, 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter, etc.), or your blood sugar will spike, which could cause cravings for more carbs. :)

    One other thing that might make a bigger difference than you think - don't offer a starch (and this includes peas & corn) at dinner time. With a main course and two vegetables, everyone should have enough food. If they're used to having potatoes or rolls or rice or noodles, try just taking them out of the menu two nights a week at first, then three nights a week, etc.

    Healthy choices without dieting is what makes long-term success! I'll be cheering you on!

  2. Thanks Aimee. Potatoes, rice, pasta, and rolls are actually very rare for us. I am generally pretty good about the veggies, but the last few weeks haven't been so good so I've slacked off. I usually do just as you say - make a main dish and then lots of sides. When folks want seconds, they can have more sides. Just gotta get back to it. Did bad again tonight though - pizza and nothing else. Terrible. :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Way to go Jenny!!!
    Hope Tyler gets involved also.
    We will be up there in the early spring to help build your raised veggie beds.
    Will be a lot of fun.

  5. Your plan seems very doable.

    I've been taking a spinach salad and tangerine for lunch every day. Now I need to replace the Creme soda with water...

  6. Thanks for all of the encouragement!
