Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday - Week 1

Wow, I can't believe it has been a whole week already.

I did terrible with my goals this week. I ate cookies instead of fruit. I bought fruit, but every time I went to have a piece, it had already been vultured by the other 5 people who live here (ha ha!) I guess I need to buy it in bigger quantities. Or find a better hiding spot. (Just kidding ... mostly!)

I took the elevator at school last night (I was almost late for my first class.) I didn't go to Taekwondo class or the free fit class on Monday. I didn't play anything on the Wii and I didn't eat breakfast, ever.

I did make sure that we were eating healthy dinners almost every night. Everything cooked from scratch and plenty of veggies. My favorite meal by far this week was the meatloaf we had last night. No potatoes which was a little sad, but we lived without them. :)

So, at Thanksgiving, I weighed xy8.0 (the y is for one higher number than it is right now.) Last week the scale said xx5.8 and my goal was to see xx5.0 this morning. I didn't have much hope after my failed goal attempts, but was thrilled to see xx2.4 when I stepped on the scale a few minutes ago. A total loss, since Thanksgiving, of over 15 pounds. :)

Goal for today: climb the stairs at school today. Up and down. For both classes. Go to Taekwondo class.

Goal for next Wednesday: xx1.9 which is half of a pound.

1 comment:

  1. See??? You don't have to do everything perfectly. Small changes make a big difference.

    Go, Jenny, Go!!!
